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Behind the Scenes Look: A Day in the Life of a Mobile Notary Public

With the demand for notary public steadily rising, it’s natural that there’s a curiosity about what a mobile notary public does on a daily basis. Some people might be considering getting started in this field as well, but many people usually want to find and hire mobile notary services.

Continue reading this article and we will give you a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a mobile notary brought to you by Mobile Notary Kingdom!

Proper Planning - Review Daily Schedule

Before a mobile notary public even thinks to head out from home or office location, they must map out their day by looking at their schedule to see whether he/she is booked in the morning (am) or at noon (pm)?

On a daily basis, most notary public track their hours to make sure they’re working enough to hit whatever their income goals. Being a traveling notary, it’s fairly easy to let your day go off the rails without proper planning.

If you want to hire a mobile notary, it’s best to contact the identified notary and schedule a session for the signing of your documents as soon as you understand what should be done.

Make sure to be very direct and detailed in explaining your needs when hiring a notary public so they’ll understand what your needs are and how they can help.

Confirmation Counts

After morning planning, and some breakfast—it’s time to follow up on the day’s scheduled appointments.

A simple text to a client to confirm the time slot reserved for the day goes a long way, as sometimes there can be last minute changes on both the client and notary public side ( only real life emergencies of course). However, to avoid any disappointments, sending these confirmation messages whether the night before or the-day-of lets a mobile notary public know that his/her day will be productive and also prevents the notary public from any unnecessary travel.

Gathering Documents

Since only clients know what they really need, it’s important to gather all the necessary documents and read through to ensure you have everything you need before the mobile notary public arrives. You would not want to miss the signing of any important piece of paper only to realize after the notary public has left.

Not everyone understands the procedure and may hold off on signing anything before the notary public is present and this is totally fine too.

Bear in mind however that a notary public may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice. Many signers will ask you for advice or assistance regarding their document. Please note, unless you are an attorney, you should always say no because it would be the unauthorized practice of law, and you could be held liable.

Credible Witnesses

Based on the type of document/s to sign, you may require a witness or witnesses who can vouch for you as the signer.

Documents such as Power of Attorney, Mortgage, Deed of Trust ,Grant Deed, Warranty Deed, Quit Claim Deed require the presence of witnesses.

If you’re not sure, speak to your notary public to see whether you will be needing a witness or two.

In order to find the perfect notary, you might need to search through a good deal of people. Keep in mind, though, that once you find a notary that is reliable and understands you, you should keep him/her as a contact to be able to use them for multiple and future signings.

Understanding a Mobile Notary Job

Now you know more about what a mobile notary public does and you have an idea about what to expect when you hire a notary public.

Depending on the type of document/s you need signed, you might be able to get it done faster than you thought with a professional that knows how to get the job done.

If you want to learn more about notary services and other interesting topics? Continue through our blog to learn more.

To get your documents notarized Contact us today!



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